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Fremont-Mills Yearbook

The Fremont-Mills yearbook is an extracurricular organization that has 6 student members and is led by Mrs. Spellman. As the student editor-in-chief, Leslie Lopez overviews everything while guiding other students. Members attend school events to capture photos to be included in the Fremont-Mills yearbook. The pages themselves are also created and designed by students. Our 2022-2023 yearbook won the National Yearbook of Excellence Award. Our yearbook received this award for having an inclusive and engaging yearbook. Yearbook is a great way for students to involve themselves in the Fremont Mills community and is always looking for new members.

- Ellie Vanatta, Staff Member on the FM Yearbook team.

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Yearbook members, left to right: Brookelynn Billingsley, Grace Roof, Wyatt Lemonds, Leslie Lopez, Elliey Vanatta, & Brianna Milbourn