Some of the students in Woods & Ag Mech had a great day at the CC CTE Day in Malvern on Apr. 27th.
MPG Car - 3rd overall - Ag Mech
Beg. Woodworking
1st Caden Blackburn
2nd Braxton Blackburn
3rd Jake Malcom
Adv. Woodworking
1st Adam Perrin
3rd Nick Madison

Elementary SEL Newsletter

Fremont-Mills will have an early dismissal at 1:15pm on Thursday, May 12 for the district (state-qualifying) varsity track meet.

The Fremont-Mills Drama Department is excited to share our High School spring production with you - "Dorothy in Wonderland"
Performances will be Saturday, May 7th at 7:00 PM and Sunday, May 8th at 2:00 PM.
Click the link below to purchase tickets for either performance:

Today’s JH track meet has been moved up to a 3:00 start

Third grade had Ag in the Classroom with Kasey Wallace & Terry Lewis. They learned about pollination and made seed bombs to take home.

35 Purple Unicorn drinks were delivered to the FM elementary teachers by kindergartner Marlow. A portion of the proceeds from every purple unicorn purchased at Tabor Brew House will be donated to Team Marlow for the March of Dimes Walk at the FM Track on April 30.

HOSA students competed in the State HOSA Contest that was held in Des Moines. Students moving on to compete in the National Convention in Nashville, Tenn. in June are Makenna Brandt, Lily Crom, Payten Van Houten, Itzel Miramontes, and Tru Brittain.. Congratulations!

Tomorrow’s golf meet has been moved up to a 3:00 start time

Click the link below for the summer apparel store. Orders are due by 11:59 PM on May 6th.

FFA State Convention was held April 10-12 at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. The Fremont-Mills FFA Chapter received the Ambassador Award for their dedication to the FFA Organization.
Team Ag Sales received Silver and the
Farm Business Management Team received Silver.

Akaisha Steeve (Flute Solo) Brooklyn Ramos (Clarinet Solo/Clarinet Trio) Isaac Roach (Clarinet Solo/Clarinet Trio) Kaidynce Reafleng (Clarinet Trio) True Lord (Tenor Sax Solo) Shanti Langille (Brass Trio) Lillian Howe (Brass Trio/Trombone Duet) and William Wilson (Brass Trio/Trombone Duet) performed at the 2022 Iowa High School Music Association State Solo/Ensemble Festival on Saturday, April 9 at Lenox High School. The students earned 5 Division II (Excellent) ratings and 2 Division I (Superior) ratings. Special thanks to Mrs. Charm Smith who accompanied all of the soloists.

Miss Allyson and Mr. Gute awarded these 5th/6th grade students for their achievements in the FM Biography Writing Contest. The winners were-
5th Grade: Adelynn Billingsley (1st), Tayleigh James (2nd), Natalie Clemmons (3rd), Brooklyn
Weldon (Honorable Mention), Sophia Housh
(Honorable Mention)
6th Grade: Nash Moreland (1st), Gavin Crom (2nd),
Brody Schaaf (3rd), Abigail Ramos (Honorable
Mention), Jayde Mitchell (Honorable Mention)
We are proud of all of our 5th and 6th grade students for the work that they put into the classroom!

Fremont-Mills Art students recently participated in the Spring “Celebrating Art Contest (a national online art competition that promotes student art and art education). Winners are: Emma Johnson, Taviar Keasey, Riley Spencer, Lexus Warner, Parker Goodrich, Aubrey Mitchell, Tessa Countryman, Zane Euchner and McKenna Johnson. Their art will be published in the Spring edition of the “Celebrating Art” book.

Elementary SEL Newsletter

2022 F-M Prom/Post Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 23rd and Sunday, April 24th. Below is the schedule of events:
Saturday, April 23rd
5:30pm - 5:45pm: Car show in front of High School (NOTE: IF RAINING, CAR SHOW WILL BE CANCELED)
5:30pm - 5:45pm: All other prom attendees park in South parking lot and enter South Gym doors
5:45pm: Prom attendees report to South Gym
6:00pm: Promenade & Coronation in Lied Gym - spectators please enter through the HS front entrance
7:00pm: Dinner
7:30pm - 8:30pm: Professional photos in Mrs. Malcom's room
8:30pm: Dance begins
11:00pm: Dance ends
Post Prom:
11:30pm - 12:30am: Hypnotist in auditorium
Sunday, April 24th
12:30am - 2:00am: Tabor Brew House & Shakey Grounds drinks available
1:00am - 3:00am: Games/Activities
~3:00am - 5:00am: Clean up & Breakfast
~5:00am - 5:30am: Raffle prize drawings (must be in attendance to win)
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Junior Class Sponsors: Steph Lemonds & Jeff Van Houten
F-M Special Events: Kelli Perrin, President

Fremont-Mills is excited to welcome our new secondary principal, Mr. Kurt Hanna!

Today’s junior high track meet at Griswold has been cancelled.

Best of Show CC Art Contest Winners were:
JH High Div. Ceramics: Shannon Foster
Beg. Div. Photography: Aubrey Mitchell
Beg. Div.Painting: Aubrey Mitchell
Beg. Div. Sculpture: Seth Herrera
Adv. Division Drawing: Zane Euchner
Adv. Div. Photography: Tessa Countryman

FM’s 7th-12th art students participated in the CC Art show in Griswold. They earned a total of 110 ribbons including 6 Best of Show ribbons, 37 First Place, 32 Second Place, 30 Third Place and 5 Honorable Mentions . Aubrey Mitchell was a double Best of Show winner.