Join us tonight to celebrate our seniors.

Thanks for being there for our students. Happy School Counselor Week!

Friday is the last day to participate in the "Souper" Bowl for the Tabor Food Pantry. Support your favorite team and the Tabor Food Bank!

Fremont-Mills CSD will have a 90-minute late start this morning, February 6th. There will be no preschool, breakfast, or morning activities. -- FM Administration

Due to weather conditions., Fremont-Mills CSD will dismiss at 1:00 today, February 5th. The campus will be closed. All activities and practices are canceled. Cheer camp is postponed until tomorrow, February 6th. If you would like to pick up your child before dismissal, please call the office.
FM Administration

The 4 year old preschool classes had an ocean party family event on Friday to culminate their environment unit. Everyone enjoyed the ocean display with student crafts. Ocean themed toys and books from the unit were also out for exploration and play. It was a fun and busy event!

Fremont Mills Radio Quiz Bowl team won 1-0 against Southern High School in the B-103 Radio High School Quiz Bowl. The team of Shanti Langille, William Wilson, and Jordan McLaughlin will move on and compete again on February 18th against Riverside. Congratulations 👏

Gameday at Essex. JH Girls at 4:00, JV Boys at 5:00, Varsity girls at 6:00, Varsity Boys at 7:30.

FM Winter Ball 2025

Please bring food to school for the food bank from Feb 3-7 and support your favorite team - Kansas City Chiefs or Philadelphia Eagles. The competition is on!

Good luck to our wrestlers as they compete in our varsity tournament at FM on Saturday.

JH girls at 4:00 in the South gym.
HS games start with JV girls at 4:30 in the Lied Gym.
All spectators please use the North entrance.

Our volleyball team will be hosting a potato bowl meal fundraiser TONIGHT starting at 6!

Good Luck to our girls at regional wrestling at Red Oak.
Here is information for today's meet.

FM Elementary celebrated the 100th day of school today with a special dress up day and lots of fun activities.

No JV tonight vs Woodbine.
Varsity girls at 6:00, boys at 7:30.

HOSA will be fundraising at Thursday's basketball game.

Our volleyball team will be hosting a potato bowl meal fundraiser at the basketball games this Friday night, January 31st, starting at 6. See you there!

Six FM students were selected by audition to participate in the annual BOCH Honor festival on the campus of the University of Nebraska at Omaha January 24 and 25.
Shanti Langille (12) William Wilson (12) Tatiana Orozco (12) Lillian Gill (9) Ella Finical (11) Isaac Roach (12)

JH girls basketball vs EM in the South gym will start at 4:00.
JV girls in the Lied gym will start at 4:30.
All spectators should enter through the Lied entrance.